詹姆斯一. 塔克

从保罗·史密斯开始: 1997


我在加布里埃尔附近我家的土豆农场长大, NY and this hands – on experience on the farm helped shape my devotion to the outdoors and the natural surroundings. 作为一名鹰级童子军, 我花了大量的空闲时间穿着雪鞋在树林里跋涉, 在树林里生火做饭, 在池塘划独木舟, 湖泊和溪流, 并带领同伴们在阿迪朗达克高峰进行多次徒步旅行.
I earned a BA in US 历史 from the SUNY – Potsdam with elementary and secondary social studies teacher certification in 1981, 并于1983年在弗吉尼亚理工大学获得了学校咨询硕士学位. 1982年我和米歇尔结婚了, 宝盈bbin官方登录有两个成年的儿子迈克和拉里), 留给宝盈bbin官方登录一个空巢.

三十多年来, 我曾是一名耐力运动员和教练, 参与跑步, 穿着雪鞋走, 越野滑雪, 计, 三项全能运动, 游泳, 和划独木舟. 1987年至1995年, I was the Director of the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) – a New York State funded educational program to serve the needs of disadvantaged students at Paul Smith’s College, 并继续让大学生和整个校园参与到户外活动中来. 我喜欢与既面临学术挑战又面临经济挑战的学生一起工作, 这给我带来了极大的满足和快乐.

1995年- 2010年, 我是保罗·史密斯学院的“娱乐主任”, 并在学院保持了高水平的户外活动. 摘自《宝盈bbin官方网站》“2006年美国最热门大学之一”, 作为保罗·史密斯的娱乐主任, 该学院被公认为最热门的度假生活. 学校的校内活动主任称自己为“乐趣院长”,并组织穿着靴子的徒步旅行, 滑雪板和雪鞋.”
1996年,我组建了学院马拉松独木舟队, 哪个项目已经成为全国首屈一指的大学马拉松独木舟项目. 2000年6月,该项目的许多桨手都参加了长达425英里、为期15天的环保之旅2000. 十几名划船运动员为沿途的学龄儿童提供预先安排好的环境教育项目. 划船到自由岛和自由女神像是令人敬畏的,至今仍令人难以置信.

The destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001 has only further cemented the bond among the original Enviro-Trek paddlers, as the group members maintain vivid memories of seeing the World Trade Center from the harbor as we approached the Statue of Liberty. 2000年划艇赛季结束时,吉姆获得了圣. 劳伦斯谷桨手(SLVPA)作为Rip Friot奖的奉献桨运动的接受者.

Following the success of the inaugural EnviroTrek many of the crew members developed and paddled Enviro-Trek 2001, 这是一条390英里的划桨冒险之旅,沿着历史悠久的伊利运河穿越纽约州. The eighteen paddlers and two pitcrew members took fifteen days to cover this route beginning in Western New York State just off the shore of Lake Erie and finishing in Stillwater, 纽约就在哈德逊河和莫霍克河交汇处的北部. 该组织几乎每天都向1万多人提供环境教育节目,200名学生和社区团体. 虽然环保之旅经过了罗切斯特和锡拉丘兹, 而是在许多小社区,如米德尔波特和圣. 约翰斯维尔说,桨手们受到了最热情的接待.

2003年,“环境-跋涉”项目开始了新的生命——成为“地球-跋涉”项目, 在春季学期为九名学生开设学术规划课程, 他们准备划过410英里的康涅狄格河, 从加拿大到新罕布什尔州边界的源头, 在长岛湾结束. The Connecticut River was the focal point of two academic courses that prepared the student participants for the background work on the prospective waterway including: the history, 经济, 沿线人民关心的文化和环境问题. 参与的学生继续准备和实施一系列的环境教育项目, 计划行程, 安排各种演讲活动, 以及地球之旅的其他方面. “I believe it is in this planning and implementation that the students truly learn how to coordinate events and see them through to fruition.”
在国际体验教育领域, 我很高兴有机会和宝盈bbin官方网站的国际学生一起工作, 包括日本人, 西藏, 和来自阿布鲁佐国家公园的意大利人. I have worked closely with Tomoya Yamada (宝盈bbin官方登录 ’02 Liberal Arts grad) in arranging cross cultural experiential programs for Japanese student visitors to the campus, and then followed this up with a week long program for a group of five from the college to do experiential education programs for Hosei University as well as Links Academy in Tokyo. 跨文化的思想交流对参与其中的每个人都很有价值, and Jim has worked to bring international visitors to his family’s potato farm to experience rural farm life in the Adirondacks.

2010年1月,我还与两名学生到乌干达进行了一次跨文化交流之旅, 他们在哪里能够在国家林业和自然资源办事处内工作, 而我则沉浸在国际马铃薯中心的撒哈拉以南办事处. 宝盈bbin官方登录在乌干达西南部的山区呆了四天, 沿着与刚果民主共和国和卢旺达的边界. 乌干达种植马铃薯的农民沿着这个地区死火山的梯田斜坡种植他们的作物, 实行良好的轮作, 可持续农业实践. Working alongside the Ugandan potato research personnel at their seed potato facility was a great experience to bring back to the students who enroll in The Humble Spud.

I coordinate snowshoe racing in New York State as the President of the Empire State Snowshoe Racing Association (ESSRA), 并于2003年被ESSRA评为“年度雪鞋”. 我为各种雪鞋厂家做过设计和咨询工作, and was on the cutting edge in the development of aluminum-framed backcountry and racing snowshoes for over a decade. 作为保罗·史密斯学院的主任, he coordinates the travel and training for both sprint and snowshoe racing for the competitive runners at Paul Smith’s College.

似乎每个连续的雪鞋赛季都是宝盈bbin官方登录 Striders“有史以来最成功的赛季”,“而Striders正保持着这种持续成功的传统. Striders在过去十年中第七次获得国际雪鞋冠军头衔, 和Striders接力队一起, 长跑运动员和个人短跑运动员在这项国际比赛中占主导地位. 近二十几名黾成员参加了国际, 然后,同样数量的人参加了美国全国锦标赛,有12人获得了奖牌.

塔克 got back into cycling in 2007 upon request from a student who had a desire to take part in the long distance canoe treks of prior years. Jim had conducted bicycle tours for Adirondack Bicycle Tours through High Peaks Cyclery based in Lake Placid New York and took part in a few 三项全能运动 in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s before a devastating injury to his knee in 1994. The traumatic injury all but eliminated running as a recreational pursuit and competitive running seems to have become a thing of the past, 但是骑自行车似乎和以前一样好. 2007年,他参加了一年一度的RAGBRAI (the Register 's annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa), 2008年和2010年又有10个,000名其他自行车爱好者. 2007年的RAGBRAI是他在爱荷华州的第一次冒险, 爱荷华州人民的热情好客和友好很有感染力. 大量的自制馅饼, ice cream as well as the corn and pork products available through the numerous small towns really is attractive as well. 2010年是非常特别的,米歇尔和吉姆一起骑着自行车进行了这次跨州的冒险.

我一直与当地的富兰克林圣. 劳伦斯县特奥会自1997年以来, conducting the Winter Games at the Paul Smith’s College campus with the capable assistance of over three dozen student volunteers. 2009年2月, 吉姆又迈出了一大步, 并且是麦考尔世界冬季特奥会的首席现场裁判, 爱达荷州. 这是一次很棒的经历, 与来自大约50个国家的近250名雪鞋运动员合作. 文化丰富, 奖学金, 分享是一个改变人生的机会, and he is looking forward to representing the snowshoe racing community as an official at the World Winter Special Olympics coming up in 2013.

吉姆对耐力运动和竞争的热爱使他在2009年秋天回到了大学教练, 他带领宝盈bbin官方网站的男子和女子XC队取得了有史以来最成功的赛季. The men’s team won the Sunrise Conference Championship for the fourth consecutive season; and the women’s team placed second for the third consecutive year. 该队有六名成员入选了全联盟队, 另有三名选手代表队伍参加了在温哥华举行的NAIA全国赛, WA. 杰西·加德纳(SR)领跑女队,成为宝盈bbin官方登录的第一个邀请赛冠军, taking first at the Southern Vermont College Invitational; and later became the women’s conference champion. 2010年的版本是另一个巨大的进步, with the men’s team placing second at two invitationals; third at the Cross Country Only Championships, 然后两队都赢得了洋基小型大学联盟(YSCC)邀请赛. 为这个赛季画上句号, 男子队在美国大学生体育协会全国赛上获得第三名, 宝盈bbin官方登录的女队获得了第四名,这是宝盈bbin官方登录重返USCAA的第一年取得的令人难以置信的成绩.

持牌导游, 接受过野外急救训练, 并获得了荒野急救认证, I teach Lifeguard Training and oversees several emergency medical courses as well as water safety programs at the college. He also encourages students to become involved in the Special Olympics which are annually held at the college as well as numerous outdoor and environmental education programs that he coordinates.
在我的业余时间, 我拥有并经营Ponderosa家禽药房,占地一英亩,还包括宝盈bbin官方登录的家和院子. 我喂了一群五颜六色的母鸡和十几只鸭子, 收集鸡蛋, 享受养花养菜的乐趣. 我喜欢把花园里的新鲜食物装罐和冷冻,也喜欢院子里的水果.
我试图向我的学生和同事传达的信息和生活方式如下, “活着真的很棒. 向你遇到的人传达你的热情和热情. 让今天变得有意义,不仅为了你自己,也为了别人. 为后人留下积极的印记和持久的遗产.”

我被宝盈bbin官方网站校友会评为2002年度最佳教师. 这是一种荣誉,尤其是考虑到教学只是我工作的一个方面. I teach Adirondack Expedition and The Humble Spud ~ a cultural anthropology course that chronicles the potato and its relationship to the social history of Europe and the Americas. 和烹饪专业的学生一起, 宝盈bbin官方登录接触到的是适应性很强的土豆,以及它在餐桌上的所有食物和课程中的用途.

作为体验式教育和同伴教育的倡导者, 我经常把学生放在需要他们运用所学技能和知识的环境中, 并将这些信息传递给其他人. “只有通过同伴教育,学生才会真正被迫使用他们在课堂上学到的东西. We can learn through a variety of modalities; and I find that the students at Paul Smith’s College excel with experiential education. 如果宝盈bbin官方登录有机会教书,宝盈bbin官方登录就会真正记住一些东西. 我的学生们在向青年团体教授这些新发现的技能时,惊讶地发现自己学到了什么, 学生和企业团体.”


水上运动, 雪鞋比赛组织, 安全培训, 马拉松独木舟训练/比赛, 环境解释工作, 阿迪朗达克的自然和人类历史, 北欧滑雪, 和骑自行车.

I was the Chief Field Judge at the 2009 World Winter Special Olympics in McCall 爱达荷州; conducted a trip to Uganda to further research in potato production in January 2010; and I teach The Humble Spud during the spring semester ~ the only 3-credit undergraduate course devoted to the potato in North America.


1983年获得弗吉尼亚理工大学硕士学位 & 咨询-高等教育
1981 BA SUNY – Potsdam US 历史; M-9 & 7-12社会学


SOC - 115阿迪朗达克探险


1995 - 2010年保罗·史密斯的大学娱乐和校内项目协调员
1989 - 91年宝盈bbin官方网站北欧滑雪教练
1987 - 1995年保罗·史密斯学院HEOP主任



体育指导员 & 我的教练
(518) 327-6286